Liberals Encourage Parents to Vaccinate Children 6 Months and Older

The twisted dems are still determined to force our children to get the Covid-19 vaccine. They disregard the concerns of parents who want to keep their loved ones safe. This is yet another example of the left’s complete disregard for human life. No wonder our conservatives continue to lose faith in the dems’ politicized science

Since June, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has stated that children as young as 6 months old should be vaccinated. They’re recommending this age group get shots from Pfizer and Moderna.

Meanwhile, Republican leaders continue to fight against vaccines for kids and toddlers. They claim that the shots are experimental and unsafe. Moreover, they believe that parents should decide whether to vaccinate their children.

The risks of giving children Covid-19 shots outweigh the benefits… and they are more likely to develop vaccine complications. Our patriot leaders argue it’s not worth it to put kids at risk. Instead, we should focus on protecting children first and foremost. 

Dr. Ben Carson: Use ‘Common Sense’ in Vaccinating Kids

The CDC announced that children between 6 months and 5 years old are encouraged to be vaccinated. CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky shared his thoughts in a press release. He said, “Together, with science leading the charge… we have taken another important step forward in our nation’s fight against COVID-19.”

Then he added, “I encourage parents and caregivers with questions to talk to their doctor, nurse, or local pharmacist… to learn more about the benefits of vaccinations. [As well as] the importance of protecting their children by getting them vaccinated.”

Former Trump Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Dr. Ben Carson, was very agitated with the dem’s propaganda. He said on Newsmax that parents need “common sense” when deciding if for children’s safety. Carson said, “I know some parents have been frightened to death and have been waiting with bated breath for the vaccine… and that’s fine for them.”

Then he highlighted the risks these vaccines potentially open to our children. Carson added, “But we need to exercise a little bit of common sense here. The risk of a child dying or having a severe complication is 0.25%. That’s approaching zero. We have no idea what the long-term risk of these vaccines is.”

UNICEF: Millions of Children Missed Routine Vaccinations Because of Covid-19

According to United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), around 25 million children worldwide missed routine vaccinations last year. 

Routine vaccinations are shots for everyone in the US. Most people have received these vaccinations since they were children. These shots are for fighting illnesses like polio, measles, Hepatitis B, and DTaP.

The number of children who did not receive routine vaccinations rose by 37% between 2019 and 2021. UNICEF’s senior immunization specialist, Niklas Danielsson, told Reuters isn’t pleased with the situation. He said, “I want to get across the urgency. This is a child health crisis.”

From the looks of it, the dems disregarded giving children routine vaccinations…. which should be more important. This is because they’re too busy with their Covid-19 vaccines that won’t work.

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One Thought to “Liberals Encourage Parents to Vaccinate Children 6 Months and Older”

  1. Donald

    Science and experience prove that school age children and infants stand a better chance of being murdered by the mRNA vaccines than they do from dieing from Covid! Why would any parent submitting their child to a vaccine that does nothing to control the spread of Covid. These so called vaccines do not stop a vaccine compliant human from catching or spreading Coved. They have murdered over 30,000 people and caused over 400,000 recipients to have long term disabilities and also alters their DNA. WHY WOULD ANYONE IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WILLINGLY TAKE THES3 HARMFUL VACCINES OR SUFFER THEM ONTO THEIR CHILDREN.

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